


Checkout your empty git repository locally:

git clone

Switch into your cloned folder:

cd gitreponame

Create a new Node project by using NPM:

npm init

This should create a new package.json file. Now you need to add the Gaia nodejs SDK to the dependency list:

npm i @gaia-pipeline/nodesdk --save

Create the main index file which will be invoked on pipeline startup:

The main index file must always have the name index.js and must be in the main folder to allow Gaia to find the entry file.

touch index.js

It is recommended (but optional) to create a .gitignore file to prevent that certain files (node_modules) are tracked by Git. Gaia automatically installs dependencies during installation:

echo "node_modules/" >> .gitignore

Paste an example from below into index.js and push the changes to remote. Afterwards you can use create pipeline as usual to compile and start your pipeline.

Simple pipeline with one job

This example shows the most simple way of developing a pipeline:

const nodesdk = require("@gaia-pipeline/nodesdk");

function DoSomethingAwesome(args) {
    console.error("This output will be streamed back to gaia and will be displayed in the pipeline logs.");

    // An error occurred? Throw it back so gaia knows that this job failed.
    // throw new Error('My error message');

// Serve
try {
        handler: DoSomethingAwesome,
        title: "DoSomethingAwesome",
        description: "This job does something awesome."
} catch (err) {

DependsOn example

You can fork this example here.

const nodesdk = require('@gaia-pipeline/nodesdk');

function CreateUser(args) {
    console.error('CreateUser has been started!');
    // Lets sleep a few seconds to simulate that we do something.
    console.error('CreateUser has been finished!');

function MigrateDB(args) {
    console.error('MigrateDB has been started!');
    // Lets sleep a few seconds to simulate that we do something.
    console.error('MigrateDB has been finished!');

function CreateNamespace(args) {
    console.error('CreateNamespace has been started!');
    // Lets sleep a few seconds to simulate that we do something.
    console.error('CreateNamespace has been finished!');

function CreateDeployment(args) {
    console.error('CreateDeployment has been started!');
    // Lets sleep a few seconds to simulate that we do something.
    console.error('CreateDeployment has been finished!');

function CreateService(args) {
    console.error('CreateService has been started!');
    // Lets sleep a few seconds to simulate that we do something.
    console.error('CreateService has been finished!');

function CreateIngress(args) {
    console.error('CreateIngress has been started!');
    // Lets sleep a few seconds to simulate that we do something.
    console.error('CreateIngress has been finished!');

function Cleanup(args) {
    console.error('Cleanup has been started!');
    // Lets sleep a few seconds to simulate that we do something.
    console.error('Cleanup has been finished!');

// This is not the right way to do it but it works for this example.
// You should not use this for real pipelines/applications.
function wait(ms) {
    let start = new Date().getTime();
    let end = start;
    while (end < start + ms) {
        end = new Date().getTime();

// Serve
try {
            handler: CreateUser,
            title: 'Create DB User',
            description: 'Create DB User with least privileged permissions.'
            handler: MigrateDB,
            title: 'DB Migration',
            description: 'Imports newest test data dump and migrates to newest version.',
            dependson: ['Create DB User']
            handler: CreateNamespace,
            title: 'Create K8S Namespace',
            description: 'Create a new Kubernetes namespace for the new test environment.',
            dependson: ['DB Migration']
            handler: CreateDeployment,
            title: 'Create K8S Deployment',
            description: 'Create a new Kubernetes deployment for the new test environment.',
            dependson: ['Create K8S Namespace']
            handler: CreateService,
            title: 'Create K8S Service',
            description: 'Create a new Kubernetes service for the new test environment.',
            dependson: ['Create K8S Namespace']
            handler: CreateIngress,
            title: 'Create K8S Ingress',
            description: 'Create a new Kubernetes ingress for the new test environment.',
            dependson: ['Create K8S Namespace']
            handler: Cleanup,
            title: 'Clean up',
            description: 'Removes all temporary files.',
            dependson: ['Create K8S Deployment', 'Create K8S Service', 'Create K8S Ingress']
} catch (err) {

Pipeline parameters example

You can fork this example here.

const nodesdk = require('@gaia-pipeline/nodesdk');

function PrintArgs(args) {
    for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
        console.error('Key: ' + args[i].key + '; Value: ' + args[i].value);

// Serve
try {
            handler: PrintArgs,
            title: 'Print Arguments',
            description: 'This job prints out all given arguments.',
            args: [
                    description: 'Please provide the username:',
                    // This will use a textfield in the UI. You can also use
                    // "textarea", "boolean" and "vault".
                    type: 'textfield',
                    key: 'username'
} catch (err) {

Vault parameter example

You can fork this example here.

You must add a new vault entry with the key dbpassword before you can start the pipeline below. An error will be thrown if a pipeline requests a vault parameter which does not exist.

const nodesdk = require('@gaia-pipeline/nodesdk');

function PrintArgs(args) {
    for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
        console.error('Key: ' + args[i].key + '; Value: ' + args[i].value);

// Serve
try {
            handler: PrintArgs,
            title: 'Print Arguments',
            description: 'This job prints out all given arguments.',
            args: [
                    // This will use a textfield in the UI. You can also use
                    // "textarea", "boolean" and "vault".
                    type: 'vault',
                    key: 'dbpassword'
} catch (err) {